Signs Your Child Might Need Extra Help Learning

As a parent you can be your child’s most influential teacher. Finding the best way to teach them and nurture them will lead to lifelong success. However, every child is unique in how they learn and what they need. Signs your child might need a little extra help learning include difficulty concentrating, speech problems, and difficulty sleeping or eating.

Difficulty Concentrating 

Small children often have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. As they get older, their attention span increases. However, if you notice your child has a harder time concentrating than most people their age, your child might need some extra assistance. Once you’ve identified a lack of attention, you need to find out why they are bored of the material. Is the subject matter too easy for them? Are they having a difficult time keeping up? Understanding this will help you focus on material that their brain is capable of processing.

Speech Problems 

Some children are shy and as a direct result their speech is delayed. While this shouldn’t be cause for immediate concern, speech problems can be an indicator of learning obstacles. Problems learning phonemes and graphemes are indicators of a speech problem. Pronunciation issues are common childhood speech problems that can be resolved in therapy. Learning how to blend sounds and letters is critical to helping with reading and comprehension later down the road.


Difficulty Sleeping or Eating 

When your child has difficulty sleeping or eating, that is typically a result of worrying. Young children want to please their parents and the caring adults in their lives. They may worry that if they cannot keep up, they will be punished, or the adults will be upset with them. A lack of sleep and proper nutrition is the enemy to learning. Their little bodies need rest and essential nutrients to empower their brain and enhance their learning capabilities. If you notice your child is not sleeping or eating healthy, try to open a dialogue to address their concerns. A therapist can be very beneficial in helping identify their needs.

If you see signs that your child might have a learning disability, contact their teacher, and request a meeting to assess your child’s needs. Resources, private tutors, and therapy will go a long way in helping identify the best way to teach your child. Identifying the best way to teach them will go a long way in preparing them for a successful future.

Read this next: How to Make Your Kids Feel More Confident Speaking in Front of Groups

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