How to Keep Your Baby Healthy During Your Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a tricky time. You don’t want to do anything that could potentially endanger the baby and end with a miscarriage – and odds are you’re getting advice (solicited and otherwise) from a hundred different sources. Here are some surefire things that you want to be aware of.

Visit the Doctor Regularly

This tip is the most basic and important. Ultimately, your doctor is going to have the tools, knowledge, and experience to know when your child could be in potential danger. The number one way to prevent a serious tragedy is to see the doctor regularly, so they can carefully monitor the baby’s progress. If there are issues that could result in miscarriage or danger to the mother, this is how you’re going to catch it before it becomes serious. Of course, this won’t be a magical way to solve every possible problem – but it will be a way to ensure that precious lives are preserved in the case of an emergency.

Change Your Diet

You’ve probably heard a thousand different tips about how to diet during pregnancy. While a lot of people’s personal experiences may or may not apply to you, it is a fact that your pregnancy diet may be significantly different from your regular diet. Some things you should just avoid completely – alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs of any kind. Raw or underdone meat should be avoided. Many kinds of fish, shellfish, and seafood contain unusually high levels of mercury, which can be very bad for the fetus. Nothing unpasteurized or unbaked (cookie dough included). You’ve also got to make sure that you have the basics down as well, staying well-hydrated and getting plenty of nutrients. You need 64 to 96 ounces of water every day during your pregnancy.


Appropriate Exercise

It’s important to keep your blood flowing and your immune system up while pregnant. Contrary to what some people say, most exercises are completely fine during pregnancy – as long as you’re careful not to push yourself too hard. Walking is a basic, simple exercise that doesn’t demand too much but is always guaranteed to help. Stretching to improve flexibility before and after exercising can make a big difference. Swimming, cycling on an indoor bike, prenatal yoga, or doing careful aerobics (ideally with a professional instructor) can all be safe options.

Pregnancy can be hard and stressful. But at the end of the day, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Take precautions. Communicate with your doctor. While nothing in your pregnancy is guaranteed, your efforts can go a long way toward making it as safe and simple as possible.

Check out this article for other ways to make your first pregnancy easier!

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