Basic Chemical Storage Safety Tips Every Chemist Should Know and Follow


There are a lot of reasons why you might have hazardous chemicals on hand around your house or garage. Many cleaning supplies are hazardous chemicals, paint can count as hazardous chemicals, and if you have an interest in science and chemistry, you too likely have hazardous chemicals on hand for experiments. Having chemicals on hand comes with a certain level of responsibility, as they pose a threat to yourself and those around you. Here are three chemical storage safety tips that every chemist should know and follow.

 Keep Everything Organized

The first chemical storage safety tip that you should know, and follow is to keep everything organized. If you do not have a system for organizing your chemicals, then you absolutely should. When chemicals are anywhere and everywhere, you run the risk of accidentally selecting the wrong chemical when you are choosing around, or you could easily misplace a dangerous chemical – not good. Organizing your chemicals alphabetically can be a very good idea, but make sure you have some system in place.

Clearly Label Everything

The next key to chemical storage safety that you should be following is to clearly label everything. If your chemicals are not labeled, you significantly increase your chances of an accident or mistake in choosing the wrong chemical. If you don’t know how to label your chemicals, you should be using the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling Chemicals. The GHS is used by multiple countries throughout the world, including the U.K. You can find out more about the GHS online and start labeling your chemicals accordingly.


Proper Storage Location

The final tip for safe storage of chemicals is placing your chemicals in a proper storage location. There are several factors that contribute to a safe location for your chemicals. Your storage place should be a climate-controlled space that can be blocked from sunlight, as many chemicals need to be placed in the right temperature, and away from direct sunlight. You should also make sure your chemicals are locked up or in a difficult to reach area so that children and other unauthorized people are not able to reach your chemicals without permission.

There are dozens of reasons why you may need to store chemicals in and around your home. Amongst other things, if you consider yourself a novice chemist, then you should know safe chemical storage tips. Follow these three considerations anytime you store chemicals in your home.

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